Last modified 01/24/2024

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Phrases to apologize for betraying someone’s trust

Having the ability to trust the other involves taking risks whose importance varies according to the degree in which we trust the other person and according to what it is that you are relying on them. We should not totally trust everyone, but it is also not good to be completely distrustful. It is important to find a balance and to be able to live in peace. If someone gave you their trust and for whatever the reason, you betrayed that vote, then it is necessary to apologize as soon as possible, but not to excuse yourself, but to assume your mistake and seek to amend the damage.

Trust is a treasure that should not be taken for granted. What is complicated regarding this matter is that, once lost, trust is very difficult to recover. Therefore, we invite you to do your best when asking forgiveness for the mistake you have made and we would like to invite you to review the sentences presented in the following paragraphs, because we know that at least one contains the words you were looking for to apologize in the best way possible. Go ahead, review them, modify them and send them.

How to apologize for betraying someone’s trust

:: “I would like you to know how I feel right now. I have never been so embarrassed and I think that I really overdid it. I will get down on my knees to ask for your forgiveness if necessary, because the only thing that interests me is to return to be what we once were: happy. I love you too much to give up. I know I was wrong, but I am willing to amend my mistakes. I am very sorry for what happened; I hope you can trust me and give me the opportunity to show you that we get back to where we were, to a time when everything was fine. I love you, thank you for your time”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations

:: “Thanks to you I learned that every action comes with a lesson, whether positive or negative. This time, I learned from something bad. I missed the vote of confidence you gave me and now I feel very embarrassed for my mistakes. To me you are an exceptional person and I just want to repair the damage. I want you to let me work every day to show you that I can be different, as before, as when everything was fine. Forgive me; I implore you to do so”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations

:: “I had never been through a situation like this. You trusted me and I, unfortunately, have defrauded the trust you had placed in my work. I did not consider all the variables involved and now, sadly, all are paying the consequences of my mistake. Through these lines, I want to promise you that I will take care of the situation and solve it as quickly as possible to spare more problems. Again, I am very sorry”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations

:: “People often appeals to that we are all human beings and, therefore, we are not free from making mistakes. To me, personally, I find it very easy to say that to excuse and justify our actions, but the truth is that it is much more than that. In my case, I was selfish and when making the decision I only considered my personal interests. I feel deeply sorry and ashamed, but I want you to know that I promise to regain the confidence that I had to show you that I am capable of everything for this team”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations

:: “Some say that after a big mistake, it is best to seek a new path, so you do not have to confront the people harmed by our mistake. It seems to me that this is a cowardly stance and by which we solve nothing, so I choose to stay, to face what I need to confront and to fix my mistakes, fighting to regain the trust you once had on me”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations

:: “I now realize how stubborn I was. I was working under an impossible model that simply does not flow with the new paradigms of teamwork. I refused to see things as they were, I made an impulsive decision and now I regret it, because I see the consequences of not having control. I apologize and I hope that in the near future everything can be fine”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations

It is certainly possible to correct our mistakes, but it is not always something that occurs overnight, so it will be important to be consistent with what we do and consistent with what we say. We hope that the sentences we have presented you are useful in your situation and that you feel free to use them to get pass this difficult time. We’ll be expecting you, good luck!


Cute apologize texts for a friend

Even if there is a great friendship between two people, that does not mean they are free from differences and even arguments; in such cases it is best to talk with respect and try to understand each other or make an agreement.

In this article we offer you a list of texts you can use to apologize to a friend. Take a look and choose the most appropriate text to dedicate to the person from whom you have stayed.

Free apologize phrases for a friend:

:: “Both of us acted wrongly, but it is never too late to remedy our mistakes and put aside our differences. I miss you very much as for me there is nothing more valuable than your friendship and so I would like to fix things. I wish you well and that you meditate what I have said”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations
:: “Now that we are calmer, we can talk and try to reach a solution. Let us try and make the differences we have had be smaller than our friendship all these years. I have understood that for being friends we do not necessarily have to think equally, but we must always keep mutual respect. Forgive me for the things I said and let us talk personally about this”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations
:: “On behalf of our friendship, I want to ask you to leave aside our problems. Finally the most important thing is to keep the lifelong friendship we have, it would not be fair that we stop talking over a misunderstanding”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations
:: “I have been thinking about the things that happened and I am very sorry that over certain our friendship suffered. I consider it would be desirable for us to fix this and that we do not allow gossip to put an end to this bond that united us. I miss you, I hope we talk soon”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations
:: “I accept that I have made some mistakes and I apologize for that. If I send you this message is because I have noticed that it not worth staying angry at each other after so many days. I would like all the bad things to remain in the past and that we rescue the friendship that united us for so long”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations
:: “With you I have lived so many things that I cannot accept that our friendship is over. I do not know what happened and how we ended up so far apart, but it really hurts me that we are no longer together. I miss those days when we were inseparable friends, we were always willing to help one another. I hope one day we can go back to being best friends like we used to. Take care of yourself”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations
:: “I miss talking to you, I always liked to tell you my stuff because you knew how to advise me and you understood me better than anyone. I want our friendship to be as it used to. I apologize if I offended you or if I made you feel bad at some point, we all make mistakes and I am not perfect. I just wish we can be friends again”.
Category: Apologize texts & quotations

If you have a friend from who you have distanced, he will be with you again as he will understand that it is not worth putting an end to a friendship by a simple misunderstanding. We wish you good luck and hope you come to our website more frequently.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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