Last modified 01/19/2024

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Maybe at some point in our lives we have generated discomfort or resentment with people around us like friends, work people or family. However, you can always restore the conflict expressing your feelings of apology or explaining the reasons for your decisions.

You can do this through written documents called letters of apology, which in short words express your regret for the situation, proposing a solution to recover the image you’re missing.

Complementing the above, it is important to learn how to write a letter, since in a relationship, whether social, occupational, or business will always be the need to send letters to important people now or in the future.

Thus, you leave a good image for the one receiving the letter, which you would need in the future. Now maybe you understand the importance of sending such letters of excuse for not going to a meeting.

It is simply to write the causes of absence, regardless of the purpose of the meeting. In other words, the purpose of this letter is not to lose the link to that important person with whom you had the meeting.

The wording of the letter should make it clear that we take our responsibility for the absence and offer our sincere apologies for this. We also present the causes of failure and write a sentence that makes this clear.

A letter of apology is characterized by its brevity, warmth and easy composition. As in every letter, you must be careful with spelling errors. Also, you would know that the letter should be no more than one page, and as every letter it must indicate the following:

– The place and date of issue of the letter in question.
– Both, the sender and the recipient must be properly identified with names and position held.
– Then, in the first two paragraphs should be expressed the appropriate apologies briefly and concisely.

Model letter of excuse for failure to attend a business meeting

Iquitos, April 15, 2010

Mr. Juan Jose Arias Monteverde
Human Resources Manager
Glass Services S.A.C
226 Avenue of the Americas
Trujillo, Peru

Dear Mr. Monteverde:

This letter is to express my greetings and also to express my sincere apology for the disrespect caused by my failure to attend the meeting scheduled for yesterday, April 14, 2010. The reason for my absence was the delay flight from Iquitos to Trujillo through NLA airline; I finally landed in Trujillo five hours late.

Hoping you understand what happened I reiterate my desire to meet with you on the 6th of May in the city in which you reside, Trujillo. If you confirm the meeting, I will be traveling to Trujillo on the last flight of the day before to avoid any problem.

Best Regards,

Rodrigo De la Flor Barraza
General Manager
Furniture Cabatti

Although the causes of absenteeism can be several, writing format should be the same. It is important that your words are read as a sincere apology and your intention of correcting the mistake too. Remember, the purpose of this letter is avoiding the damage of your personal and professional credibility by this impasse.


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