Last modified 01/24/2024

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Every time we hear the news that we are going to be a mother, we feel very excited because it is a gift from God. So every time we know that a woman is going to be a mother, we must congratulate her with a text as she has been blessed and she is going to be a mother, and that within a few months a little angel will come into this world. On the lines below we offer you a series of texts you can send to a pregnant woman.

Download free congratulation messages for a pregnant girl:

:: “You are a wonderful girl and you are beautiful not only outside but also inside. You will be a great mother. Congratulations”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “We congratulate you on this new stage you are about to start, you will be the most beautiful mother in the whole world, you will see that when you have your baby in your arms you will be in heaven”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “Now that you have are carrying a baby in your womb we are all here to help you in everything you need. Many blessings for this great blessing you have received”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “When you are going to have a baby, you don’t just carry him nine months on your womb, you also give him a lot of love and tenderness, we know that you will be a great mother. Many congratulations”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “Since you carry your son in your belly, you develop a very special bond and there is where the wonderful stage of motherhood begins”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “You see that your life will make a 360 degree turn, however the happiness and joy you will have will be indescribable”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “If you had this baby, it is because he was the result of much love, you will see that he will be the greatest blessing you could have ever received. Congratulations on your pregnancy”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “A woman cannot imagine how beautiful it is to see her newborn baby, that little angel that God has brought into your life will fill it with joy”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “When your baby is born you will feel the nicest things inside you that will fill you with excitement and joy, seeing him so small and feeling his warmth will make you the happiest woman on earth”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “Everything you do for your little one will be rewarded, fight for his happiness and give him all your love. I congratulate you for being such a great mom”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “You will see that being a mother will make you want to be better every day, so that your little one has everything she needs and feels very proud of you”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl
:: “Now that you will become a mother you will understand everything your mother told you so that nothing happened to you. Congratulations on your baby that is on its way”.
Category: Congratulation messages for a pregnant girl

We hope you share these texts with those women who are pregnant so that they feel very happy for the great joy that God has given them.

Image courtesy of “hin255” /

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