Last modified 01/25/2024

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Today if someone wants to buy a product of any kind can send a letter called query letter, if he has any doubt about the available quantities of product in the supplier, shipping conditions, and existing promotions or about discounts or anything else related to the product you wish to purchase.

This letter must be addressed to the supplier of the product, indicating clearly the doubts or questions you have and asking for answers to such concerns. Below we will show you some models of query letter for suppliers. Read them carefully, perhaps you can use any of them as base model for developing your own query letter.

Example No. 1 of a query letter:

Lima May 23, 2012

Av Los Gatos 5245 – Lima
Tel 2248777

Av Los Ficus 1441

Subject: Purchase of various accessories (special purchase).

Dear Sales Manager:

I am writing this letter in order to request information about accessories for men, women and children for the summer season. The last batch that you sold us have been a success because of its great quality and because of that we would like to purchase an extra batch.

So, we want information about a batch of similar characteristics of this last batch. Please contact with our buying department shortly to finalize the deal. We wish to hear from you soon,

Best Regards,

Claudia Maca Lopez
Buying Manager

This example of a query letter consists in a request for information for a purchase, since the first batch that was purchased was a very good one, the buyers are waiting to be contacted by the supplier to complete the sale.

Example No. 2 of a query letter:

Trujillo August 22, 2012

Calle Galapagos No 1410
Tel: 54238945

Av Las Garzas n ° 7841
Trujillo, Peru

Subject: Purchase of building materials batch

To Whom It May Concern:

By this letter we wish to communicate with you for the possible purchase of several batches of building materials.

Currently, our company is making the construction of a university in the city of Trujillo for which we want to have the best building materials in the market, which you provide.

Among the materials that would be needed there are cement, iron, bricks, and seismic plates, among others. We would need many of the measures in which these products are sold normally.

We request you a meeting between your sales department and our buying department to discuss in detail the specific needs of our company. We are grateful for the attention,

Best regards,

Jorge Concha Caballero
Logistics Manager

This second example consists in a query letter for a construction materials supplier. It asks for a meeting to discuss the details of a business that involves the purchase of several batches of constructions materials to be used in the construction of a university in Trujillo, Peru.


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