Last modified 01/25/2024
The estimate letters are very common for people in the sales area. It offers its products to potential customers; normally companies request those letters, which can be made for a product or service.
It should detail the conditions of the possible sale, items or services, models, specific quantities and the price offered. In an estimate letter should not be forgotten to include the time of validity of the prices of those products or services.
Lines below you would see some clear examples of estimates letters, which can be used as good models when you need to write a letter like this.
Estimate Sample Letter # 1
Callao May 30, 2012
Bolivar Avenue No 338
Tel 24515151
Mr. Carlos Rojas mitt
Sunflowers Avenue No 2444
Tel 24615987
Callao – Peru
Dear Mr. Rojas:
Enclosed you will find the estimate requested to our sales department yesterday. It contains the detail of products and prices.
1. Corduroy pants for men
Colors: black, blue and brown.
Sizes: S – M – L-XL
Price: 350 units to S /. 9200 new soles
Selling price per unit (suggested): S /. 48 new soles
2 . Ladies Corduroy Pants
Colors: purple, black, green, pink, blue
Sizes: S – M – L
Styles: models A, B and C
Price: 300 units at S /. 5000 new soles (A)
300 units at S /. 6000 new soles (B)
300 units at S /. 7000 soles (C)
Price per Unit (suggested):
S /. 55 new soles (A)
S /. 65 new soles (B)
S /. 75 new soles (C)
This quote is valid until July 18, 2012.
If you have any questions please contact us, and we will attend you without delay.
Carlos Acosta Salvatierra
Sales Executive
In our first example of estimate letter, the company to which was requested the quote, sent all the necessary information about prices, products and time validity of the offer.
Estimate Sample Letter No 2
Trujillo July 28th, 2012
Av Ficus No 6545
Tel 4514546
Mr. Claudio Carrizales
Av Mars No 3212
Trujillo Peru
Mr. Carrizales:
We send the estimate about all materials needed for the construction of your new building for your company.
9.5x12x25 800 bricks (between $ 550 and $ 650, you must define the brand)
3 meters cubic of sand (between $ 580 and $ 745, you must define the brand)
4 anti seismic plates (between $ 1100 and $ 1500, you must define the brand)
This quote is valid until August 15, 2012.
Javier Campos M.
Sales Manager
In this second sample letter of quotation, the company listed clearly, products, quantities, prices and validity of that quote.
If you make an estimate, you can use these examples as a guide or template for the letter of quotation you would need.
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