Last modified 01/19/2024

Sad SMS, Sad texts, Sad thoughtsNice Sad messages for Facebook

Sometimes we go through periods when we are very sad and we do not want to talk to anyone. As much as we try we cannot always be happy, we are human beings who have qualities and faults, and sometimes we make mistakes and feel great pain when someone hurts us.

It is always good that we can externalize those feelings of grief for our family and friends for them to know what is happening to us and help us in some way. In this article we present a list of grief messages to post on Facebook. Select one of these phrases and post it on your wall to let your loved ones know the purpose of your melancholy.

Free list of nice sad messages for Facebook:

:: “I feel a great sadness in my heart because the person who vowed to love me has left me without any explanation”.
Category :sad messages

:: “I feel completely dejected because despite having done everything in my hands for the woman I loved, she cheated on me with someone else”.
Category :sad messages

:: “I will not deny that a great sorrow has seized my heart, everything I did to stay together had no positive results. I do not put the blame on you; it was just fate which did not want us to love”.
Category :sad messages

:: “I was very much in love and fully trusted your love, but you do not care about anything and I did a lot of damage. I never want to hear from you”.
Category :sad messages

:: “The betrayal of my girlfriend really hurts, but what hurts me most is to know that my friend went with her. I will not ever want to trust anyone”.
Category :sad messages

:: “Sometimes I feel I was born to be completely alone, my only companion was, is and will be the loneliness”.
Category :sad messages
:: “When I see happy couples I am very sad because I know that sooner or later they will separate and they will feel a great disappointment like me”.
Category :sad messages
:: “Do not think I smile because I’m happy, it’s just a way to hide the enormous sadness that I feel for my heart. Tears flood my eyes since that person left me”.
Category :sad messages

:: “I do not know how I’m going to do to regain the joy in me, that person only used me and after getting everything she wanted from me, she just took me away. “
Category :sad messages

:: “I’m feeling a huge disappointment and resentment for have had being in love with a woman without feelings, I’m a fool for believing in her”.
Category :sad messages

:: “Even though everyone warned me to ignored them, today I am very sorry to have had a relationship with this man who never appreciated me”.
Category :sad messages

:: “A few days ago you said you loved me and now you’re with someone else, all you show me is that you never loved me. I would wish you luck, but I will not because this world turns and end up paying for all the damage you caused me”.
Category :sad messages

:: “So many years loving someone to receive painful words like I am not the guy she was looking for. It is very sad rejected feeling and the best I can do is to never believe in love”.
Category :sad messages

:: “Sometimes I feel like is not worth to be kind to others, I gave my support to a great friend and ended up betraying me in the worst way”.
Category :sad messages

We hope these messages of grief for posting on Facebook have been to your liking and share to your loved ones for them to know you are going through a difficult situation.

Image courtesy of “Sira Anamwong” /

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sad messages for Facebook, sad phrases for Facebook, sad sms for Facebook, sad text messages for Facebook, sad texts for Facebook, sad thoughts for Facebook, sad verses for Facebook, sad poems for Facebook, sad wordings for Facebook, sad quotations for Facebook

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