Last modified 01/24/2024

professional profile, curriculum vitae, work, looking for a jobGuidelines to create a Professional Profile

The professional profile is useful to inform to others your skills and experience as a professional. Most companies looking for new staff already have a suitable profile for each position they want to cover with the future professional. Those people with their profiles adjusted to the described by the company will have the opportunity to be hired in that company. For this reason it is vital to your professional profile.

The professional profile is a brief summary of the curriculum vitae. You can do it in a Word document or place it directly on different Internet sites such as LinkedIn (, Fast Pitch ( / company / fast-pitch) or XING ( These sites have various types of professional users so they can keep in touch and exchange ideas, form work teams, and many other things.

Moreover, users can upload to these sites their profiles, for companies to access to them and require an interview with the professionals they got interested in. In this way, professionals in these networks are able to get a job in which they feel really satisfied.

To begin to write a professional profile, you should consider to highlight your skills and capacities which are related to your career. This information can be uploaded to Internet job boards like Monster ( or Megaredempleos ( Then, you will have more opportunities to grow up in your career. Do you want to find out about how to make a good profile? In this article we will provide to you a guide to make your own profile and find the job of your dreams.

1. – General Information

Most professional internet networks contain a guide for developing your professional profile, however if you want to do it by your own, take into account start with your personal data. Write your full name, your age, your current city, phone and email. Attach a current passport size photo. Do not forget to place your identification number and marital status.

2. – Work Experience

Do not forget to put the exact date you started to work, the name of the company and the end date of your relationship with that company. Put this information in chronological order. It is convenient to start with the most recent and ending with the oldest. Also, we recommend you only put the last 2 or 3 jobs you’ve had.

3. – Academic

You must put in order the places where you form as a professional and also the amount of time in each one of them. If you are studying some post graduate degree don’t forget to write it on, because the fact that you are doing or achieving a Masters degree will obtain a significant value to your professional profile.

4. – Career Goals

It is convenient to summarize very smartly when developing your objectives. We recommend write briefly only two of the goals you have for your future career. First you must place the short-term goal and in second place the long term one. Do not forget that professional goals show your personal expectative regarding to your professional career.

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professional profile, work experience, skills, curriculum vitae, looking for a job, career goals, academic achieves, professional network, professional goals, tips looking for a job