Last modified 01/24/2024

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In the context of the economic crisis in Europe, Germany stands out for having consolidated its economy, positioning itself as the leading country in the economic recovery of this part of the globe. Germany’s contributions have enabled the euro, continental currency, maintain and reduce the negative impact on the German labor market. Thus, Germany has reported an increase in 2011 of 41 million people employed, the highest number for 21 years (since the Reunification).

It is a fact that many people are attracted to the idea that Germany is economically stable. Its extensive labor supply makes this country a potential scenario that is being promoted by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own. This is because Germany requires on average 800,000 skilled workers which they do not have in their population. So that is why they require interested migrants.

Definitely better work place is linked with better training and extensive experience in the field in which you want to develop. Germany is a highly industrialized country which receives Spanish and Portuguese migrants en masse, despite its low unemployment rate, 7%, much less than any other member state of the European Union.

German citizens are also aware of the need to get professional labor migrants support, but of those properly prepared.
Labor demand in Germany is mainly related to the engineering, tourism, Education, Health, and administrative activities.

Engineering understood as any type of engineering (industrial, civil, computer, mechanical and telecommunications, among others.). Training linked to computers and graphic design is also required in this job market.

In the health sector, demand is high for specialized doctors, mainly oncologists, otolaryngologists, dentists, etc. Also, given the high rate of elderly population, specialized nurses and allied to this field, are welcome, because it is important to have people trained in physical rehabilitation.

As for teaching, demand is high for both schools and universities, however, the main disadvantage is to master the German language in order to practice this profession.

The German technical field is critical to the continued development of the industrial sector. Recall that Germany is a highly industrialized country. Thus, it is necessary to have technical expertise in electrical, mechanical, welding and painting.

The administrative work context also has a high level of professional demand because there is an increase of formal companies. The work places are always open in various German organizations.
To have a clear idea of the high labor demand German, we show here some numbers from a study conducted by institutions that analyze the labor market. In this regard Germany requires:

34 000 engineer
21,000 nurses
20 000 administrative workers

The higher paying jobs are linked to the medical and industrial sectors. People engaged in this sector may come to perceive up to 45 000 per year, equivalent to 4000 Euros per month. It is important to keep in mind that the more experience you have, the more chances of a better salary you have. It also influences the size of the organization you work for. In a large company can expect to earn salaries of more than 40,000 per year, while in small companies (less than 10 employees) can reach 30 000 per year.

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