Last modified 01/22/2024

humility messages, humility phrases, humility smsNice messages about humility

If you want to share with your family or friends a nice message, then go on and do it! You can dedicate a nice phrase that talks about a quality that is unfortunately becoming less and less common to find in people: humility. Some believe that this word refers to money, it does not.

Humble people are those who do not brag about what they have, rather, they are quite simple and docile because they recognize that they have flaws and make mistakes as well. In this section, you will find a list of thoughts about humility. Send them to your loved ones and they will thank you.

Free list of nice messages about humility:

:: “Being conceited does not make you achieve anything, however being simple can get you to open many doors”.
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:: “If you have enough humility to accept your mistakes you will earn the respect and admiration of others”.
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:: “Being humble does not make you look like a fool, just the opposite, it is a great quality of the wisest people”.
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:: “Humility is a great value. Practicing it daily can be a better person”.
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:: “It is hard to be humble, it is just about appreciating others and not feeling that we are more than them”.
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:: “ Bragging about what you have is contrary to humility. Maybe you have to think a little about your behavior and realize that when you do, you hurt so much and others”.
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:: “If you have many achievements in your life, then good for you. However you have to be aware of not filling yourself with pride. May success continue in your life”.
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:: “It is very satisfying to me as a mother, to see that you are a very noble and humble person. I thank God for having a son like you”.
Category :humility messages
:: “Pride would not let me see that I was losing my friends . After the pulling of ears that life has given me, I now understand how important it is to be a humble person. I hope you forgive me dear friends”.
Category :humility messages
:: “ You must not believe that you are better than anyone. We are the children of God and our strengths and weaknesses to Him are all equal”.
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:: “ The smartest people are the most humble ones, for they know they have flaws and recognize that despite its virtues, they are not more important than anyone else”.
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:: “Sometimes we act arrogantly because we think we will never need anyone, however we must remember that in this world, what goes around turns around”.
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:: “ To feel joy for the successes you have achieved has nothing wrong, the problem appears when we look at others with contempt and consider ourselves better than them”.
Category :humility messages
:: “ A humble person is one who recognizes that everything they have is with the blessing of God and never gets tired of thanking Him”.
Category :humility messages
:: “Proud people have no room for peace in their heart, because being mean to others cannot bring you happiness”.
Category :humility messages
:: “Through this phrase I want to remind you of the happiness humble people feel as they always cling to God and acknowledge that He is the source of everything they have”.
Category :humility messages
:: “How different our society would be if there were less people and more docile proud people willing to forgive ”
Category :humility messages

Image courtesy of “imagerymajestic” /

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