Last modified 01/20/2024

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Pride is a matter of debate for many people as it can have both a negative as a positive aspect.

To cite a few examples, it is good when we are proud to have reached a milestone in our lives or when we are proud of the successes of our children, but can be bad when pride prevents us from doing good things, to recognize our mistakes and errors or consider ourselves superior to others.

In this section we bring you a list of posts of reflection for those people who are proud and are tempted to be for the wrong reasons, put them on your Facebook or Twitter account to share with your friends and family. You will see it will be very commented.

Download best quotes for proud people

:: “Pride can blind us and only when we are in serious difficulties will be able to reconsider and enlist the help of others”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “You put all of you and after much effort you have been able to realize your dreams, you should feel proud of this great achievement”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “Some are born into a wealthy family, others in a poor family, some achieve fortune based on his effort but still no one is superior or better than others, all are equal and have the same rights”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “If you let pride overcome, your friends will leave you and the sadness and bitterness will take their place so think about it and be happy”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “You cannot deny that you are a very beautiful woman but your pride makes you cold and calculating woman, set it aside and take the opportunity to be happy”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “When we are good at something the others notice and give us their appreciation, so you should not tell yourself that you are better than others”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “Pride keeps us from knowing the true love and sincere friendship of others”.
Category :messages for proud people
:: “When we are proud of the evil we do, we are condemning ourselves to a life of misery”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “The one who accepts their mistakes learn from them, the proud always looks guilty and make the same mistakes over and over again”.
Category :messages for proud people
:: “You think that pride is the key to your success but sooner or later you will realize that it was the key to your failure”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “You are unique and have great qualities, be proud of yourself and convince yourself that you can achieve great things in life”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “Pride is a double-edged sword, if you use it for evil, it will hurt yourself”.
Category :messages for proud people
:: “True happiness is not compatible with pride”.
Category :messages for proud people
:: “You are a very valuable and has the ability to go a long way, so I feel proud of you and stay away from people who want to hurt you”
Category :messages for proud people
:: “There is no worse medicine for a proud person than to be ignored by those who at one time gave him their friendship”.
Category :messages for proud people
:: “Nobody is perfect in this world, so set your pride aside and accept your mistakes”.
Category :messages for proud people

Image courtesy of “imagerymajestic” /

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