Last modified 01/25/2024

online work, internet job, internet workWork in the United Stated through the internet

Internet came to change our lives and our way of seeing the world, and one of the advantages it offers us is making physical distances irrelevant, making it possible for us to perform certain activities even if we are a long distance apart which previously were only possible to do in person. One of these is to work for a company which is located in the United States and thanks to through teleworking it is possible to perform such work from the comfort of your home.

A job like that gives you many advantages since you only account for the work you do, on other words you decide your own schedule, and you can enjoy a good paycheck as a person living and working in the United States would. Here are some tips and tell you which jobs are the most sought under this system , so cheer up , check and start searching job options.


A great number of companies in the United States are looking for sales personnel, the most common requirements for this position are to be fluent in English and have experience in the sales area. Your job will be to contact people who reside in the United States, and that is the reason why you need a computer with a good internet connection and a phone line that allows you to make long distance calls. Usually these jobs are directed to a particular group, for example they look for Latinos seek to offer products and services to other Latinos living in the United States.


This is one of the jobs which has had the most demand lately. Many companies and individuals are looking for bilingual people to be in responsible for translating documents, manuals, books, audiovisual materials, subtitles and other documents. To perform this type of work you need a computer with an internet connection and as well you must master office.


This is another type of job that can be done through the internet. The working methodology is as follows, a company in the United States offers the job and the people who are interested in it register, deposit a small fee in a bank account and receive surveys to be paid upon completion. You must be very careful with this type of work because there are people who want to scam you using this method.

Software Development

To finish, this is one of the highest paid jobs in the United States which can be performed through the internet. Software companies seek for programmers outside the United States to develop customized software. Systems and software engineers are the most sought for this type of job and they must have a title and a complete domain of the English language to classify for the job.

To search for job openings for the jobs we have mentioned and to explore other job offers that may be of your interest, you can enter the following employment bureaus online:

Image courtesy of “hinnamsaisuy” /

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