Last modified 01/24/2024
Most demanded Jobs in Dubai
Getting a job in Dubai is more difficult to do in occidental countries, because it requires a work permit processed by the same foreign company operating in this Arab city. Corporations that operate in the various industrial parks, must have signed an employment contract with the migrant to perform his job functions.
However, many people interested in Dubai’s labor market found another mechanism that also allows them to work in this city. They travel on a tourist visa and then apply for a job once, in which case the company will handle the necessary formalities to legalize and ensure their participation in the workforce.
Dubai is a city that is increasingly attractive for working, due in part to:
– The mega constructions for which the government is betting. However, some of these buildings have suffered delays or suspensions due to the global economic crisis which Dubai’s economy is not immune.
– The large number of companies in the giant industrial parks of this city, dedicated to the production sector. These companies have been attracted mainly because they are free from tax.
– The importance of luxury tourism in Dubai, at a worldwide level.
It is also important to note the importance that is having a lot of companies spread across all sectors. These are the ones that would recover quickly Dubai’s economy and linked to this, the labor market, so it will continue offering places in the sectors: petrochemicals, tourism, health, education and the media.
Often migrants interested in the positions to be filled in Dubai’s market are young professionals who want to gain working experience in large companies, often projected to return home after a couple of years when their contract runs out. What often happens is that these young people end up convincing their selves about the Dubai’s economic efficiency and the benefits and advantages that this implies in their quality of life, i.e., a high rate of pay as well as freedoms of which the migrant enjoys.
The higher paying jobs and more offered in the labor market of Dubai are those that require skilled labor, being less demanded those requiring unskilled labor, who receive fewer benefits.
We will discuss each sector the benefits and advantages offered by these. Starting with the banking and finance sector, is this sector which offers better pay, like the petrochemical industry. Also, the health sector, through hospitals, requires large amounts of doctors and nurses. Similarly, the tourism and information technology offer a lot of vacancies.
However, demand is highest in the field of engineering and its various specialties. This is because this city is highly technological, as well as the level of education is low and for this reason, labor demand is almost entirely directed to skilled migrants.
If you want to start looking for employment in the internet, you will notice the type of vacancies offered. In addition, you’ll notice that exist more than 1,500 jobs demanded, most of them oriented to information technology.
Finally, it is important to know that, although in Dubai is spoken Arabic, the language spoken is English, because it is a multicultural and multilingual city. For this reason, mastering English is essential for communication in this city.
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