Last modified 01/25/2024
How to work in Canada
If you are interested in travel and temporary living in Canada, there is the great possibility of temporary emigration waiting for you. Through the work permits issued by the Embassy of Canada, you can achieve your goals in the Canadian territory. However, the procedures for obtaining a temporary work permit are not simple at all. In the following paragraphs, we will share with you everything related to this legal way of working in Canada.
The Canadian labor market is competitive and highly specialized. Thus, your chances of getting a job depend a lot on your majors because, if they do not have large numbers of trained personnel in that area, you will be a great option, and the other option is that there might be a huge need by companies established in Canada.
You must realize that Canadian law gives priority to its citizens and residents to access jobs in their territory of the north end of America. The only way to get a job in Canada is for you to, previously, access to a work visa and going through the assessments imposed by the government of this country.
This type of documentation must be specified: data from the employer, the work to be performed there, and the time or the contract extension. Also, find out if your country requires the issue to come to Canada (this information can be obtained on the Web site of Citizenship and Immigration Canada).
As follows, you will be able to read the requirements to be met in order to access a Work Permit:
• Must have an offer of temporary employment, prior to the start date of the registration process.
• The Human Resources Centre of Canada (HRDC) must submit an approval issued to the job offer.
• When you start the application process for a temporary work permit, you must have the HRDC approval certificate and a copy of the job offer.
To apply for a work permit application, you must submit a series of documents such as:
• A properly completed Application (in English or French). Data from children under 18 must be included in this document.
• Additional information familiar, duly filed.
• Pay the fee for application processing.
• Passport to date and effective.
• Two identical photographs of passport size color or black and white (taken with no older than 6 months)
• Copy of the letter of confirmation of employment by HRDC.
• Documentation certifying the studies to date.
• Documentation to support work experience.
• Criminal record check.
• If the labor supply is in the province of Québec, must obtain the Certificate of Acceptance of Quebec Immigration Service.
Upon receiving a work permit for Canada, assume the following commitments: to be self – sufficient to fund your expenses when living in Canada, demonstrate that you meet the requirements to enter Canadian territory (medical history and criminal history), and leave Canada before the date of expiracy of the permit granted.
Well, it is true that this is not one of the most used ways to reach Canada. However, it is an alternative that must be evaluated. If you decide to go ahead, do not forget to start the process with, at least, 4 weeks before you have to start working. Finally, remember not to initiate proceedings if you do not have any confirmation letter from HRDC, if you want your investment of time and money, not to be in vain.
Image: Rosemary Ratcliff /
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