Last modified 01/22/2024
romantic messages
Looking for romantic messages for Her , Whatsapp love text messages, Messenger love quotes , Instagram love cards ? .
There is nothing more beautiful than being in love and being reciprocated, living as if we were always on a honeymoon, regardless of the years or the marks left by time on our faces.
Romanticism should not end and for this reason it is good that you always have a cute love phrase for your partner.
Here we present a selection of love messages that you can send to your partner after downloading it for free from this section.
Best text messages to make her
fall in love with you
:: “Even if you do not always tell me you love me, I am happy with the details and demonstrations of your love”.
:: “I love you because for me you are a beautiful, complete, dignified, brave and an exemplary person”.
:: “Even though I do not tell you that I love you, my love for you is strong, sweet, stays with me when I am alone or accompanied by you, but please never be indifferent to me”.
:: “Because I am happy by your side, you are the place that corresponds to me, with you I want to stay until the end of my days”.
:: “You will know that I really love you because of my way of looking at you, of addressing you, because I cannot hide how much I love you”.
Romantic love messages
to make her fall in love
:: “We are not perfect, sometimes our ideas will not coincide or it will be inevitable to get angry, but no matter how tense our relationship is, we will be the same as always”.
:: “In the most difficult moments I love to receive a hug from you than instead of words telling me that everything will be fine”.
:: “One of the best demonstrations of my love is that there is nothing in you that excludes my feelings”.
:: “Love, it was wonderful to find you when I thought I had fallen into complete darkness”.
:: “People say that love is blind so I need you to be able to walk knowing that being by your side there is nothing to fear”.
Romantic Whatsapp messages
for girlfriend
:: “When I am with you I feel that I have peace in my soul because you transmit good vibes to me”.
:: “I love you without thinking what the reason for such a great feeling is, I do not want to look for logic to my love for you”.
:: “In you I found what my heart knew that sooner or later I would find: my better half”.
:: “My sweet beloved, I always wish that all the good things happen to you and that the bad things pass by your side without stopping”.

Sweet and touching I love you
Whatsapp text messages
:: “I like to hear you talk about your dreams, know what things make you sad to get away from them and see your eyes shine when we are together”.
:: “My Queen, keep in mind that there will be times in which I cannot contact you and that does not mean that you stopped being the love of my life”.
:: “I can be fearful in some things but for you I am capable of becoming a hero”.
:: “With you I have found the most wonderful feeling of all, I really like you and the way you make me feel very special. You are the girl who has conquered my heart and that’s why I love you so much”.
:: “I love you so much my life, for that reason you are the person that I always entrust to God in my prayers”.
Find sweet love wordings
for my girlfriend Whatsapp
:: “I did not expect you and when you appeared, I fell in love with you, love is not sought because when it finds you , it joins you with your better half”.
:: “The favorite place where I always want to be is with you, it does not matter if it is in the sea, the desert, on the top of a mountain, any place is formidable if we are together”.
:: “I do not want to lose your love, so the last thing I would do is fail you, you just deserve to be happy”.
:: “Love of my heart, it is only because of you that I now really know what it means to be loved”.
:: “I love you and I just want to show you how much I do, you are and you will be the best thing that could have happened to me”.
Sweet Messenger love messages
:: “I think of you and that is why I send you messages because I miss you and what I would most like at this moment is to have you by my side”.
:: “Having you in my life is the best gift God has given me, every time I am with you I pinch because I can’t believe I have you with me and because I feel this is a wonderful dream, and when you come to give me kisses my heart starts beating very strong”.
:: “It is a great joy to be the boyfriend of a woman as special as you, you are the prettiest girl of all and I feel very lucky to be the owner of your heart, I love you with all my heart my dear princess”.
:: “No one is prettier than you, nobody else loves you like I do, no one is more tender than you. You are a single woman and that’s why I love you so much, thank you for the opportunity you have given me to love you, I will never let you down”.
:: “I must be honest and confess that when our relationship began I did not love you as much as I love you now, you are the only owner of my heart and the reason for my existence. Only you give me so much happiness”.
Download Facebook
love phrases
:: “All the love I feel for you is so wonderful that I never imagined that I could love this, I love to hold your hand and walk with you. I will always love you because you are the most important of my life”.
:: “When I declared my love I felt fear, but it was worth it because you are the best gift that life has given me. I thank you for the love you give me every day and for showing how beautiful life is”.
:: “You have a beauty that captivates me from the first moment I saw you, I was shocked, each passing day I feel more and more I love you, I love you my love”.
:: “Fate wanted us to meet and now it clearly wants us to never to separate, since I have your love I feel my life has meaning and only with you I can experience the most beautiful feelings in my heart”.
We hope these nice romantic phrases for your girl make her feel very special to have a love like yours.
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Romantic messages cards : original images courtesy of “″/all modified by
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