Last modified 10/05/2023

original text messages,original messages,original wordingsOriginal Statuses for Twitter:

Among animal species living on Earth, human beings are able to think and crush our emotions. But, besides crushing our emotions, we can also express them in different ways.

If we are happy, everybody will hear us laugh. If we are sad, we will probably show it by crying. And if we are in love, we will seem absent minded to the rest.

Nowadays, in social networks like Twitter, we can share our current mood. Members of this social network can tell in tweets (short messages) how they are feeling, how they are, and thus their contacts will find out about their emotions.

Do you have friends in Twitter and want to learn ways to tweet to show what you are living today?

Here we explain and share with you some original statuses for Twitter which your friends will surely like.

Free samples of original statuses for twitter:

:: “Amazed and happy because I realize has been a gift I received”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “My dark sky blinds me. This is a sad day for me”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I want so much to see you again and go up to the clouds”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am very proud of myself. I come first, and me after that”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am afraid of not finding what I need, but with faith I will find it”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “Exhausted after a long day. Working for my family, enjoying with my son and knowing you are my friends makes sacrifice worth it”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “Symptoms are clear: fast heart beats, eyes staring at your picture and thinking of you. In love again”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I reflect on how I can stop thinking of you”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am happy because I know that when a new day starts, there is a new chance God gives me to give out good things”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I have all the strength to make good things, and I am confident I will”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am sad because earlier today I remembered great times when I found some old pictures, such nice moments that will not come back”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I wait calmly for the final test. I gave my best effort and I know I will somehow be rewarded for it”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am glad to be in the correct way. I need to go on no matter what and I will succeed”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “Amazed at the way my life changed since you came along”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am a little confused. Choosing between my life’s future and my greatest love is the most important decision in my life”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I think I am a bit absent minded about love topics, but I already noticed how you look at me”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am sad because you go away. I will certainly miss you a lot”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

:: “I am so happy I could tell the universe about my emotions, and I still would be happy”.
Category :Original statuses for Twitter

We wish these original statuses for Twitter help you and you share them with your friends. These phrases will briefly show how you are feeling now.

Image: adamr /

Send your originals Sms,text,text messages,quotes ,original statuses for Twitter, and will be published ,others friends will thank you .

twitter,phrases,original statuses,original phrases,original quotes,original text messages,original messages,original wordings,original sms

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