Last modified 10/05/2023

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The most important actions you can have with the woman of your life are making her feel that she is the most important person for you and giving her your sincere love.

Sometimes material things are not so important, for example an expensive gift, because if it is not accompanied by nice actions or texts that arouse nice feelings, then it is just an empty gift. Up next we offer you some texts that can serve you as a guide to show your feelings to the person you love.

Free examples of love texts for my girlfriend:

:: “Probably you will never get to understand how much I love you, because it is so great that it goes beyond imagination. This feeling is immense, infinite, and there are no adjectives to describe it, and in my body I feel this love growing without brakes. I had never felt something like this, only you have awoken that in me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, your very presence gives me joy, and you are a gift that life has given me. I want to be by your side forever, you are the love of my life”.
Category: love texts
:: “Our love has no equal. Nobody has ever experienced something similar to these feelings we have, that fill us with joy. Our love is not even comparable with the most beautiful romances in fiction, it is real and beautiful and we will keep it alive forever”.
Category: love texts
:: “Today I would like to tell everyone that my love for you is eternal, real and that I am sincere in saying that I would die just for you”.
Category: love texts
:: “My days are perfect when I get to see your beautiful face, touch you, merge your lips with mine and say how much we love each other”.
Category: love texts
:: “I feel that since I know you I am happy, that everything is perfect if I am with you, I am living a wonderful dream when I am awake, which I do not want to miss for a second. Give me that happiness forever, my love”.
Category: love texts
:: “You are like a sun that radiates my life, you came into my life to free me of the darkness that I was living. Now you are my happiness. I want you always with me, I want you to be happy, I want to show every day how much I love you and how important you are in my life. Hopefully this desire comes true as it is what I want most. I will love you forever”.
Category: love texts
:: “True love does not oppresses, does not drown, does not show distrust. That kind of love is sick and eventually comes to an end. True love is the one that will not repress but help you expand without limits, it is the one that will guide you but not demand anything from you. This is the kind of love that I have with you, it is perfect and it will last forever because I love you”.
Category: love texts

We hope these texts have helped you, remember that the person you love needs you to demonstrate your love, to be honest with her and so you will obtain the same from them. Good luck.

Image courtesy of “Salvatore Vuono” /

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