Last modified 01/19/2024

Get condolences messages

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Looking for best condolences messages for friends ? It is very beautiful to have fun alongside our friends, but there are times when we also have to say goodbye to them with a lot of grief.

Always, in our lifetime a friend leaves this world and we have to be strong to withstand this.

Clearly we are not the only ones who suffer, their loved ones and those who are closest to them experience a lot of grief.

The moment our friend is buried, you have the possibility to show what you have on your heart through a heartfelt farewell message.

In this article you will find farewell quotes for a friend who just passed away.

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:: “You always stood out of all people by your cute character and your big heart, those of us who got to know you were very lucky for having crossed paths with you, you now have God by your side”.

:: “You were like a part of my family, like a sister to me, you were always by my side no matter what happened, for better or for worse; we are all very sad by your departure, may you rest in peace”.

:: “We now know that you have just departed to another life, I will remember you at every moment as you were an exceptional person, however we say farewell, knowing you will take care of our paths here on earth”.

:: “Thanks to you we learned to be more brave, because even though you were beat down by the disease every day, you transmitted energy to smile and move on with your life, we hope your soul rests with God”.

:: “Now that you are in the glory of the Lord, I know that you are very peaceful, because here on earth you always did good and you strived to be happy every day of your life, I hope to see you again, I will always remember you. “
deceased friend

Download best sayings
for a recently deceased friend

:: “Right now the sorrow fills my heart, but now that you have departed I cannot stop bringing up your name, you will be missed for all that you taught us and for all those beautiful moments that you made us live with you, now you have to rest in peace my friend”.

:: “I know that I will not find someone like you again, so happy, so motivating, in good times and in bad times always you were drawing a smile and were there to support us, I will always remember you”.

:: “Young age never stopped you from having big dreams and goals, now we are so sorry for your departure, we know that whatever you set in mind you accomplished, you were bright and intelligent, we know that God has you in his glory, rest in peace my friend”.

:: “We will pray much for your departure so that your soul can rest in peace with God, and now we are very sad but God will give us the strength to cope in the best way, I will remember you with great joy, although you should have never left”.

We hope you liked these posts dedicated to that friend who has just passed away and they especially say everything you felt.

Short speechs for funeral

How do you write a short speech for a funeral? .Saying goodbye to a family member or friend who has passed away is a painful experience, but still we must be strong to dedicate farewell words at a funeral and pay homage.

It is not easy to find the exact phrases for the funeral of a loved one, because there are many feelings we want to express at that time.

Do not worry, below you will find some short funeral speeches for a family member or friend, which will help you both to honor the deceased person and to comfort the loved ones.

How do you say condolences
at a friend’s funeral?

:: “Today we are gathered to remember who in life was a great person, whose memory will accompany us forever through his teachings and the moments we had the opportunity to share at his side.

I give my sincere condolences to his family and friends, who are here, and I ask God to receive his soul in His glory”.

:: “First of all, I want to extend my condolences to the relatives of our dear friend who has left us yesterday.

We all feel a deep sorrow for this moment that we are going through, but we also know that although he is no longer in this world he will continue to accompany us in spirit, taking care of his loved ones.

Let us keep his wonderful memory as a great treasure in our hearts and honor his memory throughout our lives. We should remember everything he taught us and strive to be better people according to his desire.

We ask the Lord to give him eternal rest and have him in His glory”.

:: “On this day we are present to honor and say good bye to a great person. Our dear ___________ who has left a very deep mark on our hearts thanks to her kindness, honesty and above all, to her perseverance.

She was a great example of struggle and overcoming. Also, she taught us that regardless the size of the problems, we must have value in our hearts and above all an unwavering faith in God to face them.

Dear _________ we will never forget you and we will preserve your legacy forever. We promise to remember you and keep you present.

God, with much faith and hope, we ask you to keep her in your heavenly mansion and we wish one day we will be meeting her again in your presence”.

How do you write a condolence message?

:: “This is a very sad day, we are here to say the last goodbye to who in life was _____________ .

It would be so beautiful if we could enjoy the company of all our loved ones forever, but we must all return to the presence of God at some point.

That is why it is difficult for us to understand and accept his will. However we have the promise of eternal life, of heavenly glory and if we follow the example of ___________ we can all meet again in heaven.

_____________, you will continue to live in our hearts and as long as we remember you, we will feel you present.

May God give you eternal rest and bless you with his glory”.

Condolences : What can I say
instead of sorry for your loss?

:: “I know that at this moment it is difficult for us to assimilate the departure of a person as dear as _______________.
Today, sadness is invading our hearts and we feel a deep pain, but little by little we will learn to cope with it until the moment in which we will remember him with much love and above all with enormous gratitude for so many beautiful moments he gave us, for everything he did for us and especially for what he taught us, both with his words and with his example.

Please, let’s pray to the Lord for the soul of our dear _________________ and ask that He shelter him under his glory”.

:: “It is my desire to express my deepest condolences to everyone here and ask God for comfort in our hearts to support the departure of __________________.

These moments are very difficult, that is why as a family we must be more united than ever to follow the will of _____________ and be able to honor his memory.

Our Father, please take care of your son, bless his soul and let your perpetual light illuminate him forever”.

We hope that with these short speeches you can solve your concern about how to speak at a funeral.

Remember that sincere farewell words at a funeral should express what we feel in our hearts and bring comfort to relatives and friends of the deceased.

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Image courtesy of “”. 

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