Last modified 10/09/2023

thanks letter, thanks model letter, thanks sample lettersLetter to thank for attending an event

If you have been in charge of the organization of an event or a conference and it has received the support of most of the guests, the best thing to do is to show your gratitude to the people who were present and participated actively.

The most convenient way to do this is through a letter of thanks, it is a good way to thank and strengthen while achieving an employment relationship and friendship.

If you want to know how to write one of these letters, you can use one of the two examples we bring you below. You can customize them to fit your needs.

Example 1 of a thanks letter for attending an event:

Guayaquil, August 21st, 2013

Events the Chaco
876Sucre Avenue
Tel 3402780

The popular Journal
560Guayas Avenue
Tel 80653023

Best regards,

Through this letter I express my gratitude to the press team sent by your prestigious newspaper to cover the organization of Cuban festival that took place on the 15th of this month.

We have seen the note in the weekly edition of your diary with a full report of this event we have organized. So we want to congratulate you for your professionalism and good judgment.

It should be noted that the purpose of this event is to raise funds to help the needy and it was a complete success thanks to the different advertising media who attended.

Our company is always ready to send a cordial invitation of his daily staff to perform the respective coverage of all our events, both national and international stature. For that reason we will have all the help and facilities for the performance of their duties.

Once again we express our gratitude for the presence, timeliness and impartiality of its staff.


Arturo Parra Meza
Events the Chaco

Example 2 of a thanks letter for attending an event:

Cartagena, May 10th, 2013

Colombian Institute of Culture and Traditions
340Libertadores Avenue
Phone 2986700

St. Catherine University
Independencia Street 450
Phone 5987620

Kindest regards from us:

Through this letter we, the Colombian Institute of Culture and Tradition, send our heartfelt thanks to his institution, the University of Santa Catalina for their attendance at our conference on artistic presentations cycle for the first half of this year.

With the concurrence of many institutions as you represent, our organization was a complete success, we were visited by national and international attendees. We look forward to attending the next event to be held later this year which its principal axis will be the Caribbean culture.

We want to emphasize that because people like you, we work to rescue, transmit and preserve the customs and traditions of our people. Without you none of this would be possible.


Fabian Torres
Colombian Institute of culture and tradition

Image courtesy of “stockimages” /

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