Last modified 01/22/2024

Merry Christmas wishes & messages

Short Merry Christmas wishes to friends and family on Whatsapp
Looking for best Christmas wishes ? .If among your plans at these Holidays is to share cute Merry Christmas and Happy New Year messages with your friends, you will need the perfect words to express the best feelings.

Christmas is the quintessential time where goodness and generosity abound, because of the love that awakens in our hearts, and you can express them to your friends with beautiful dedications to share in End of Year’s Holidays.

Soon you will find some original phrases to share Merry Christmas and New Year greetings with your friends; we hope you choose many of them to publish on your networks.

Christmas greeting cards
for Whatsapp and Facebook

:: “The most beautiful thing that Christmas leaves us is the memory of the moments shared with our family and friends. Happy Holidays and an excellent year for all!”.

:: “That in this Holiday Season each and every one of my friends receives the cutest gift: the company of the people they love most. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”.

:: “I wish all my friends love, peace and happiness, not only during this Christmas but also during the New Year”.

:: “May love shine like a star in the sky that will lead us to live a beautiful Christmas and the most spectacular of the New Years. Congratulations to my friends!”.

:: “Dear friends, you are like stars that light my way throughout every moment of my life so, with much gratitude, I wish you a Happy Holidays”.Download magical Christmas love messages

Original Merry Christmas
status for Whatsapp

:: “There is nothing more beautiful than celebrating Christmas in the company of our families and receiving the New Year with our renewed hopes. Friends, I love you very much and I wish you the best!”.

:: “You make my life full of more light and color, of unparalleled joy, and that is why this Christmas and this New Year I want to thank you and wish you all the best”.

:: “This time is perfect to remember the good times and to thank each and every one of you, my friends, for being by my side. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”.

:: “What I love about Christmas is to have the opportunity to open my heart and to tell all my friends how much I love them and wish them thousands of congratulations”.

:: “This year left me unforgettable moments in the company of the best friends in the world, so I wish you a very happy Christmas and a New Year full of many great adventures”.Sweet Christmas messages for lovers

Merry Christmas wishes and
short Christmas messages

:: “My dear friend, as there are none, you are my sister and companion on the path of life, so with all my love I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”.

:: “Good friends like you are very few, so your friendship is a treasure that I plan to continue enjoying in the New Year. Have a nice Christmas!”.

:: “A bright New Year is waiting for us to fulfill each of our purposes, but before that there will come a Christmas full of peace and love. Congratulations, my friends!”.

:: “These holidays are much more than gifts, parties and beautiful decorations, it is to deliver the best we carry in our hearts. Congratulations to each and every one of my friends!”.

:: “Open our hearts and give beautiful feelings to others, which should be our purpose during Christmas. Friends, I wish you congratulations!”.Merry Christmas wishes for friends, family, & Whatsapp status

Merry Christmas wishes & greetings
ready to copy & paste

:: “Christmas is a time of family reunion, but it is also perfect to remind friends, send a warm greeting and wish you a lot of congratulations and a Happy New Year”.

:: “I wanted to take a moment to send you this greeting and wish you a Christmas full of happiness and a New Year full of success because you are a great friend”.

:: “I share this greeting with you, my best friend in the whole world, to wish you many congratulations on Christmas and health, money and love in the New Year”.

:: “Through this message I want to share with you a big hug, a sincere thanks and wish you a Merry Christmas and the best New Year”.

:: “Christmas Eve, that moment full of light, hope and love, unites us more to our loved ones. My friends, I wish you all the happiness in the world and a great New Year”.

:: “Love triumphs during Christmas and by receiving the child Jesus in our hearts we prepare ourselves to have a New Year full of unparalleled bliss. Congratulations!”.

Spread the spirit of these dates by sharing the best Christmas and New Year greetings for your friends that we have brought to you and continue taking advantage of the opportunities that life will give you to dedicate original messages to your friends.Cute Merry Christmas Whatsapp status images

Giving thanks for
Christmas greetings

One way of showing love and friendship is to thank the Christmas Greetings sent by people you most appreciate.

And you’ll get much more if you do it by surprise.

It’s quite something when you thank by heart these Christmas messages received from your loved ones, as well as if they gave you strength or a gift. Because of this we must never stop thanking the people who show us love.

On this website you can find beautiful and funny gratitude messages that you may send to your friends for those beautiful messages they sent you on Christmas Eve. Read our sentences and choose the one you like the most.

Download best thanks
for Christmas greetings

:: “Dear friend, I thank you for that sweet holiday greeting you sent me and my family. You are someone I like very much, so I wish you a wonderful Christmas”.

:: “Old friend, thank you for not forgetting me these holidays. Many blessings for you and enjoy these holidays big time. I adore you. Merry Christmas”.

:: “I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for the greeting. You’re the best friend I have and I appreciate you very much. Have a great day”.

:: “Upon receiving your Christmas message I remembered all the great moments we’ve shared together. You know very well all the good feelings I have towards you and your family. Merry Christmas to all.Thanks messages for christmas greetings”.Christmas card messages & wishes

Cute things to say
to your boyfriend on Christmas

:: “Dear friend, you are very special to me, when I got your Christmas wishes I felt really nostalgic; we haven’t talked for a very long time, but it doesn’t matter as I know we’ll see each other soon. I also wish you an incredible Christmas. I love you very much”.

:: “True friends always stay together in good and bad times. I knew you weren’t going to leave me alone. Thank you for your Christmas greeting, it changed my day completely, it was filled me with happiness. I wish you a Merry Christmas”.

:: “I wish you can feel the warmth of home love you desire so much and above all that God pours over you for all your blessings. But you know I’ll always be there for you. Thanks for everything. Happy holidays”.

:: “It was extraordinary to know you. Thank you for your Christmas message. May the lord always illuminate your path. Merry Christmas”.

:: “Thank you for all your help and I pray for God to guide your life towards the right path. Merry Christmas and many blessings to you”.

:: “I hope the birth of baby Jesus illuminates your path and it has enlightened mine. I thank you for your kind words. I love you with all my heart and appreciate all you’ve done for me. Have an incredible holiday season”.

Giving thanks to everyone who sent you a christmas message makes you a better person and in the future you’ll get more.

Always be a good friend and trust the ones that love you most. Good things will come to you with great joy. Happy Christmas. Come back soon to our website.Christmas love messages – sweet romantic wishes

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06: Merry Christmas messages for Whatsapp
07: New year letters for my best friend
08: New year letters for my girlfriend
09: New year love wishes for my boyfriend
10: New year letters for my sweetheart

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Image courtesy of  Christmas wishes “”. Modified by :

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