Last modified 03/28/2025

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When we fall in love, for us no one else is as cute and wonderful as that special little person who we love and whatever we might do, all the time we are thinking of him or her. There is a critical period that allows us to determine if what we are feeling is really love and that is between a three and nine month period, and in that time is that we learn how is the other person, we accept him or her as a human being, and we begin to appreciate their worth and fell in love with them.

That is why reaching the anniversary date is such a challenge for many couples, because it represents leaving aside important elements for each one of them that have allowed them to be together and grow as a couple. The celebration of this first year should be great and that is why it is usually done in different ways, always with the goal of making the other person happy. Among these forms, we found a series of quotes and dedications, and here they are to inspire you:

Example of special phrases for your anniversary:

:: “My life, there is nothing more beautiful to me than screaming to the world that we have been together for a year now and that we love each other deeply, no matter what might happen, our love keeps us together and the year that has passed is just the beginning or a true love story, because I know that many more years are yet to come.

I would love to keep moving forward, always holding hands, living each day intensely. I thank you for your dedication, love and tenderness. I adore you infinitely; I hope you’re as happy as I am”.
Category: special dedications for your anniversary

:: “Dear love of mine, in the past months you have become something wonderful for me, you are the air I breathe, the sun that shines over me. Your gaze has the power to bring light where once there was only darkness. My soul rejoices at your side, counting the seconds I have to wait to see you again.

It’s our anniversary and I’m glowing, I hope we will have many more together, filled with the joys that characterize us, I know that what we have will be eternal. Besides you, I can travel the entire universe, not caring about anything else. I love you, my love”.
Category: special dedications for your anniversary

:: “By meeting you I learnt many things, when I started loving you it was even more wonderful. I thank you for allowing me to be part of your life, for allowing me to give you everything I have, for loving me every day, even a little than the day before. I love how you are and what you do, sharing my life with you fascinates me and I realize that your kindness and gentleness are limitless.

I hope to stay together for much more time, and that anything or anyone interfere in what we have, because I feel that it is real and eternal. My love for you will be legendary, you’ll see, no one will be able to compare to it, books and poems will envy us. I hope that the conclusion of this first year together makes you very happy as it makes me”.
Category: special dedications for your anniversary

:: “The love that we are building has ups and downs, but I am proud to say that every time we have more and more high peaks, every day I feel we are closer to the top, the ideal. What I feel for you is beautiful and eternal, there is no obstacle that can stand between us, because I will willingly overcome them; if I have to fight for it, I will.

I would like to know what you think and if you are happy with me, because I am very happy and I would like to take care of you being happy ever day too. I love you”.
Category: special dedications for your anniversary

:: “We are embarking on a wonderful journey, full of love and joy. I love how you are, what you give me and what we do. You do not know how nice it feels to be celebrating our first anniversary together, watching how all the bad stuff is left behind, because we are much stronger than that.

I want to work hard, give you everything you deserve and to see you smile and be what you most want to be. I adore you, my love”.
Category: special dedications for your anniversary

Do not let a day like this go unnoticed without you telling your love how you feel about him or her. Remember anniversaries are very important dates and that is why they are worthy of recognition and celebration. Keep in mind that true love comes with the best wishes.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles”/

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