Last modified 01/25/2024

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People who are uncertain of what will happen with their lives in a short period of time enter a state of uncertainty. I think that it is difficult for everybody to live with doubts about what will happen further in their lives.

We become uncertain when we are waiting for the answer of the girl we like or when we have applied for a job and we do not know if we are going to me the cut. On the lines below we offer you a series of thoughts for uncertain times you can post on your Facebook wall so you can share them with your friends.

Free examples of texts about uncertainty for Facebook:

:: “Do you want more time to think about it, but I can no longer resist one more day without knowing whether you will accept or not, please put an end to this uncertainty and open your heart”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “Although I make my best effort to be the best, I still do not know what will happen; I will not stop pushing myself until I get what I want”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “When you say that you do not know which day you will come back, uncertainty overwhelms me, please pity me and tell me once and for all if you plan to return”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “Whenever you go out partying with your friends, a great uncertainty takes over me and I feel as if I was going to die slowly”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “If uncertainty has you trapped because you want to know what the results of your tests were, give it a like”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “All my hopes and dreams are focused on this trip that I am about to do, but deep inside me there is deep uncertainty for the things that might happen”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “You cannot imagine the great uncertainty I feel every day in which I wait for your arrival, do not think I am over reacting, that is what actually happens to me”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “I do my best to stay calm, but uncertainty does not let me get you out of my mind, I think this will end when we see each other again”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “I do not want to be the one who makes the decision for you, all I ask is that you are sincere and put an end to his great uncertainty that has taken over my heart”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “I think it is much better if they tell me “no” rather than to be enduring endless uncertainty, no one should be anyone’s toy”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “I always try to make my best effort, but there is something that concerns me greatly and I that is because I do not know when love will appear in my life”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “I have found out that I like challenges in my life, for that reason I live happy every day and do not let uncertainty worry me”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “Every time you promise to be on time for our appointment and you do not keep your word makes uncertainty end our love”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “Positive people like me radiate a lot of enthusiasm and sincerity, and on the contrary negative people inspire uncertainty and ambiguity”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook
:: “It was time to put an end to this uncertainty…who do you choose: her or me? You decide”.
Category: texts about uncertainty for Facebook

When your Facebook friends read your state of uncertainty, they will understand how you are feeling.

Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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