Last modified 01/22/2024

thoughts for engaged friends, verses for engaged friends, wordings for engaged friendsNice messages for engaged friends

We all have friends who start a relationship when they are very young, even teenagers, and stay together for many years. Finally, they end up compromising as groom and bride; and that’s when you realize that you were the witness of the whole process from the start and now at this stage of engagement. If you’re happy for them too, dedicate them some words and see how good you make them feel.

In this article we give you some ideas of what you can write to them to express your joy and satisfaction to see them even closer from happiness. We show you a list of phrases that you can choose either to send to the future marriage.

Free list of nice messages for engaged friends:

:: “I always knew you would end up together. You make a cute couple and it is difficult to imagine you living separately. Everyone can notice from far that between you both there is unbreakable love. I share the joy of this great moment that is happening to both of you. I love and respect you very much and I wish you a lot of success”.
Category :messages for engaged friends
:: “Knowing your story and knowing you have built something big together over many years, make me feel lucky to have you as friends and to have lived all the likes and dislikes throughout your time being your friend. I hope that the first concern in this new phase is the love. Remember you can always count on me for anything you want”.
Category :messages for engaged friends
:: “There is no another couple that makes me happier to see than you. You are the result of a lot of love and understanding. You both understand each other to detail and your level of communication is perfect. You are the perfect couple and I’m sure you will be fine in your married life. I hope the best for you”.
Category :messages for engaged friends
:: “It is an honor for me to be friends of you both; you are one of the few couples who take their relationship in a mature way, enjoy it to the fullest and communicate seamlessly. I hope one day to experience the same joy that you live right now. Thanks for the good times together and great success in your new step as a couple”.
Category :messages for engaged friends
:: “How not to be proud of you, if you have shown that the odds are not enough to let go the person you love. Remember I consider you both wonderful people and deserve to be totally happy. Count on me for whatever you need”.
Category :messages for engaged friends
:: “In a world where the individualism and self-concern grows more and more each time, is encouraging to see two people who are united by a sincere love and give different perspective to life. I hope you to be very happy and that happiness to share it with everyone around you, as you have always done”.
Category :messages for engaged friends
:: “You must thank the destiny because your paths got crossed. Be grateful because you had the time to know and understand each other and to be able to communicate without restrictions or misunderstandings. Now, you live a unique experience in life: marriage. I wish you all the success in the world, because you deserve it. You have here a friend you can trust whenever you need it. I send you a hug and much happiness”.
Category :messages for engaged friends

We hope these posts have made you to reflect what you want to express to your friends who have just become engaged. Congratulate them and they will feel good.

Image courtesy of “imagerymajestic” /

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messages for engaged friends, phrases for engaged friends, poems for engaged friends, quotations for engaged friends, sms for engaged friends, text messages for engaged friends, texts for engaged friends, thoughts for engaged friends, verses for engaged friends, wordings for engaged friends

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