Last modified 01/20/2024

condolences phrases, condolences sms, condolences textsNice condolences messages

When a family member or friend dies we have to give condolences to his relatives. The ideal time to offer these heartfelt words is during the wake, however if you feel is worth so much that you would rather not to go, then you can express your feelings of hurt to those closest to the deceased by a phrase by email or dedicate it via Twitter or Facebook or by a card.

Then we present a list of phrases to offer condolences. Use these messages to let his relatives to know that they can count with your accompany and support during their grief.

Free list of nice condolences messages:

:: “I send my sincere condolences, I feel very sad for the death of your family. I accompany you in your pain”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “I extend my heartfelt condolences on the death of Ms. (name of deceased); she was a great woman who always taught us valuable lessons”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “My heartfelt condolences to all family and friends who in life was Mr. (name of deceased), he was always a good man and I will always remember him fondly”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “On this day we feel a great sorrow as a great person has departed this life, I send my deepest sympathy to all your family and wish God give you peace you need right now”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “I want to send my condolences to all the relatives of the lady (name of the deceased), I will forever remember with gratitude her lovely personality and kindness”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “The Lord decided to take his side to a very good person, and we are here feeling very sad because we feel we need him very much, yet we know that you are resting in peace, my condolences to all his family”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “A man specimen has left this world, but his memory will always live in us for each of the actions performed in this life, I offer my sincere condolences to all his relatives”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “My deepest condolences to the family and loved ones who in life was Ms. (name of deceased); she taught us to overcome difficult situations in life and now is when we must implement her valuable lesson”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “I send my sincere condolences to all the relatives and friends who cared for (name of the deceased ) in recent months, the Lord would take her to his side so it is time for her to rest in peace”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “This day is very painful for all of us because Ms. (name of the deceased) left this world forever, I wish all his relatives to receive my condolences, we have to take comfort in the knowledge that she is in heaven”.
Category :condolences messages

:: “My condolences to all the loved ones of (name of deceased), his unexpected death shocked us all”.
Category :condolences messages

We hope that these phrases to offer condolences help you to express your feelings of hurt to all those closest people to the deceased.

Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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condolences messages, condolences phrases, condolences poems, condolences quotations, condolences sms, condolences text messages, condolences texts, condolences thoughts, condolences verses, condolences wordings

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